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외국 해양대학 항해학과 교과과정의 개발에 관한 연구(케냐해양대학의경우)

DC Field Value Language 홍준기 - 2017-02-22T06:45:04Z - 2017-02-22T06:45:04Z - 2016 - 57097-01-20 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract This study deals with the development of curriculum for navigation science department of Kenya maritime college, which is planned to be established in near future. To achieve the goal of study, various investigations are performed as follows. Firstly, in chapter 2 the present state of Kenya in relation to education and maritime industry and JKUAT university and it’s curriculum are investigated. In chapter 3, IMO requirements of maritime education for navigation officers and IMO model courses are investigated, respectively. In chapter 4, curriculums of navigation science department for foreign major maritime universities such as USMMA and CMA in USA, PMMA and MAAP in Philippine, KMOU in Korea, DMU in China and VIMARU and HCMUT in Vietnam are investigated. Finally, in chapter 5 the curriculum of Kenya maritime college and the teaching syllabuses of maritime major subjects are proposed. The proposed curriculum in this study is based on 5 year education program which is composed of 10 semesters with 2 semesters every year including 1 year onboard training. Total credit hours to be completed are 200. The subjects in curriculum are composed of basic subjects, maritime subjects, major subjects and onboard training subject with the weight ratio of 25:40:15:20. The onboard training subject is a single subject which takes 40 credit hours with Pass/Fail score. The basic subjects are chosen primarily from JKUAT curriculum, because it is to get the teaching helps from JKUAT professors. The proposed teaching syllabuses of maritime subjects are developed based on IMO model courses and those are minimum teaching contents to be taught. The more detailed syllabuses and teaching aids can be seek in relevant IMO model courses. The deficient parts in this study is that the investigation to the curriculum of foreign major maritime universities is performed insufficiently due to the lack of relevant syllabuses and the investigation to the curriculum of european maritime universities can not be performed due to no relevant curriculums. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 1 1.1 연구의 배경과 목적 1 1.2 연구의 방법 3 1.3 기존의 연구 3 제2장 케냐 현황 5 2.1 일반 현황 5 2.2 교육제도 현황 7 2.3 항만 현황 8 2.4 해운/선원 현황 9 2.5 JKUAT 소개 10 제3장 IMO 해기교육 요건 16 3.1 STCW 협약 16 3.2 IMO Model Courses 17 제4장 세계 주요 해양대학의 교과과정 21 4.1 USMMA 21 4.2 CMA 25 4.3 PMMA 30 4.4 MAAP 33 4.5 KMOU 36 4.6 DMU 40 4.7 VIMARU 44 4.8 HCMUT 47 4.9 각 대학의 교과과정 비교 50 4.9.1 항해 교과목 50 4.9.2 운항 교과목 51 4.9.3 화물 교과목 52 4.9.4 기타 교과목 53 4.9.5 전공 교과목 54 4.9.6 기초 교과목 55 제5장 케냐 해양대학 항해학과 교과과정 57 5.1 교과과정의 목표 및 기본방향 57 5.1.1 교과과정의 목표 57 5.1.2 교과과정의 기본방향 57 5.1.3 교과목의 구성과 시수 58 5.2 교과과정의 제안 59 5.2.1 기초 교과목 59 5.2.2 해기 교과목 60 5.2.3 전공 교과목 60 5.3 해기 교과목의 교수요목 63 제6장 결 론 64 참고문헌 66 부록 68 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 일반대학원 -
dc.title 외국 해양대학 항해학과 교과과정의 개발에 관한 연구(케냐해양대학의경우) -
dc.type Thesis - 2016-02 -
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