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船舶通航 관련 國家管轄權에 관한 法的 硏究

DC Field Value Language 오현우 - 2017-02-22T06:22:36Z - 2017-02-22T06:22:36Z - 2016 - 57098-06-03 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The range of passage waters on the jurisdiction of the coastal state was narrowly accepted for a long time by the force of the Maritime powers. On the contrary, the marine water for free use of the country has widely maintained like the high seas. The traditional order of the oceans based on the "narrow territorial sea, wide high sea" paradigm has been changed because the coastal states demanded for expansion of maritime jurisdiction. The conflict over territorial seas was settled by the 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea. The passage water may be classified to territorial waters where exclusive jurisdiction is valid including internal waters, contiguous zone, straits used for international passages, exclusive economic zones, and high seas which is open to every nation regardless of whether it is coastal or landlocked. Every ship has a right for innocent passages in territorial waters, and a right for transit passages in international straits and archipelagic waters regardless of its nationality. And all states in the exclusive economic zone also have the freedom of navigation and right of overflight referred to in article 87 of UNCLOS. Although established several regulation related to passage water, the various problems related to ship's passage through coastal states maritime jurisdiction are issued. It caused by increasing interests of the coastal state on the importance of the national security and environmental protection. Under priority of implementation for jurisdiction of ship's flag, it is difficult to effectively achieve the national security and marine environmental protection. Therefore international security and protection of the marine environment need to be accessed through the strengthening of the coastal State jurisdiction. In other words, it should strengthen the jurisdiction of coastal States to realize its security and protection of the marine environment effectively. However, this enhanced jurisdiction of the coastal State should be recognized by international agreements and international conventions. It should not be excessive enforce jurisdiction over water by arbitrary interpretation or application of the each nation. As the passage of ships through coastal states maritime jurisdiction increases, the discussion for the application and scope of the coastal state jurisdiction is necessary in order to strengthen coastal state jurisdiction. This paper examines the various problems associated with passage of ships in coastal states maritime jurisdiction and analyze for the national and international laws and regulations relating to national jurisdiction. The objective of this paper is to suggest the improvement of the national and international laws and regulations related to the problems of national jurisdiction regarding ship's passage. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 第1章 序論 1 제1절 연구의 목적 및 배경 1 제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 3 第2章 國家管轄水域에서의 旗國管轄權과 沿岸國管轄權 5 제1절 해양에서의 국가관할권 5 Ⅰ. 국가와 기국의 개념 5 Ⅱ. 해양에서의 국가관할권 8 제2절 영해에서의 국가관할권 11 Ⅰ. 기국관할권 12 Ⅱ. 연안국관할권 15 제3절 배타적 경제수역에서의 국가관할권 18 Ⅰ. 기국관할권 20 Ⅱ. 연안국관할권 24 第3章 國家管轄權 行使上의 問題點 檢討 27 제1절 선박항행활동에 관한 문제점 27 Ⅰ. 영해에서 군함의 무해통항 27 Ⅱ. 영해에서 핵추진 및 위험물질 운반선박의 무해통항 29 Ⅲ. 잠수함의 통과통항 30 Ⅳ. 해양과학조사선의 통항 31 제2절 선박기인 해양오염에 관한 문제점 33 Ⅰ. 해양오염에 관한 국가관할권 체제 33 Ⅱ. 기국관할권 34 Ⅲ. 연안국관할권 38 제3절 해상보안에 관한 문제점 43 Ⅰ. 해상테러행위 43 Ⅱ. PSI 실행 46 Ⅲ. 해상무기고 49 Ⅳ. 해상사이버보안 54 第4章 國家管轄權에 관한 法規 分析 57 제1절 국제협약 57 Ⅰ. 유엔해양법협약 57 Ⅱ. MARPOL 협약 58 Ⅲ. SUA 협약 60 Ⅳ. ISPS Code 64 제2절 국내법 65 Ⅰ. 영해 및 접속수역법 65 Ⅱ. 배타적 경제수역법 67 Ⅲ. 해양환경관리법 69 Ⅳ. 국제항해선박 및 항만시설 보안에 관한 법률 71 Ⅴ. 선박 및 해상구조물에 대한 위해행위의 처벌 등에 관한 법률 73 第5章 國家管轄權 行使上의 法的 改善方案 75 제1절 국제적 개선방안 75 Ⅰ. 유엔해양법협약 75 Ⅱ. MARPOL 협약 83 Ⅲ. SUA 협약 84 Ⅳ. ISPS Code 84 제2절 국내적 개선방안 85 Ⅰ. 영해 및 접속수역법 85 Ⅱ. 배타적 경제수역법 87 Ⅲ. 해양환경관리법 89 Ⅳ. 국제항해선박 및 항만시설 보안에 관한 법률 90 Ⅴ. 선박 및 해상구조물에 대한 위해행위의 처벌 등에 관한 법률 91 第6章 結論 94 參考文獻 98 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 船舶通航 관련 國家管轄權에 관한 法的 硏究 -
dc.title.alternative A Legal Study on the National Jurisdiction regarding Ship's Passage -
dc.type Thesis - 2016-08 -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Oh -
dc.contributor.alternativeName Hyun Woo -
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