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부산항만의 경쟁력 제고방안에 관한 연구

DC Field Value Language 윤일오 - 2017-02-22T06:14:07Z - 2017-02-22T06:14:07Z - 2015 - 57097-01-20 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract The purpose of the study is to explore ways to improve international competitiveness of Busan harbor logistic industry. To this end, the author investigated domestic and foreign documents, existing studies, publications, statistical materials, and various reports related to harbor development, harbor competitiveness, development and competitive advantage strategy of logistic industry, and analyzed actual operation state of Busan port. Based on this, the study focused on establishment of theoretical system about development of harbor logistic industry and expiring of ways to improve international competitiveness of Busan harbor logistic industry. Summarizing the study results, for Busan port to be developed as a hub port of North and East Asia, port infra should be expanded to improve capacity to handle transshipment cargos. Furthermore, it would be necessary to construct harbor cluster and co-opetition between ports, and to make advanced marine and harbor labor union to improve competitiveness of logistic industry. Based on analysis results in above, the author suggests detailed implementation ways to improve international competitiveness of Busan harbor logistic industry as follows. First, To improve competitiveness in transshipment in Busan port, it is necessary to expand berths in small and medium size first of all. As it were, berths for shipping line of 'Intra Asia' should be expanded in the early time. Second, To improve capacity to handle transshipment cargos without problem, it is necessary to secure facility where super-sized container line can stay. Third, It is essential to develop port hinterland for securing logistic for development of logistic industry in Busan port. Fourth, Concrete ways to improve harbor productivity should be made. Fifth, RFID System(Radio Frequency Identification System) which is a core composition factor of Ubiquitous should be constructed. Sixth, It is necessary to lower unit charge of transport by larger vessel and to improve sailing turnover ratio by faster vessel. So, shipping companies should provide a good service that cargo can arrive at destination faster. Seventh, Through advanced relationship between labor and management, harbor competitiveness should be improved. Considering high labor loss among OECD countries due to abuse of the right to strike of Busan harbor and port labor union, it is urgent to establish cooperative culture for coexistence of labor and management. Eighth, By constructing harbor cluster and co-opetition, international competitiveness should be improved. Ninth, To lure transshipment cargo, to construct SCM and logistic base supply network are needed. It is pointed out that Busan port has problems that temporary block to handle dangerous objects is deficient and related laws are complicated. Finally, To improve international competitiveness of Busan harbor logistic industry, it is necessary to unify vessel safety law, Public Order in Open Ports Act, and law related to management of dangerous objects. This study also has some limitations like other studies as follows. First, the study has limitation in analysis of actual state of Busan harbor logistic industry by depending on collected documents and materials. Especially, it is thought that this is reasonable to analyze based on influencing factors of international competitiveness of harbor logistic industry through empirical analysis. But it was not possible due to several limitations in money and time. Accordingly, it needs careful attention in interpreting results of the study. And it would be unreasonable to generalize the study results. Further study is recommended to supplement such problems and to extract factors to affect competitiveness of Busan harbor and logistic industry through empirical analysis. This would be reasonable to proceed with in-depth analysis and discussion about mutual influences, focusing on such variables. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. 서 론 1.1 연구의 목적 1 1.2 연구의 방법 및 범위 3 1.2.1 연구의 방법 3 1.2.2 연구범위 3 2. 항만 및 물류산업의 경쟁력에 관한 이론적 배경 2.1 항만개발과 연계된 경쟁력에 관한 이론적 배경 5 2.1.1 항만개발의 의의와 유형 5 2.1.2 항만물류산업의 정의 6 2.1.3 항만간 공동전략으로서의 경쟁력 요인 7 2.2 항만물류산업발전과 연계된 경쟁력 요인의 이론적 배경 8 2.3 항만물류산업의 경쟁력 요인 11 3. 부산항의 현황 분석 및 네덜란드항만과의 비교 3.1 항만시설 및 화물처리 실적 현황 13 3.2 항만시설 사용료 현황 16 3.3 부산항의 물동량 추이 16 3.4 부산항만 개발계획 17 3.4.1 부산항 개발계획 18 3.4.2 부산신항의 개발계획 19 3.5 유럽의 물류중심국가 네덜란드와의 비교 21 3.5.1 네덜란드의 개요 21 3.5.2 유럽의 관문 로테르담항과 스키폴 공항 22 3.5.3 네덜란드의 효율적인 복합운송체계와 소프트 인프라 22 3.5.4 부산항과의 비교 24 4. 부산항만의 경쟁력 제고 방안 4.1 항만시설의 확충을 통한 경쟁력 제고 방안 31 4.1.1 부산신항 컨테이너 기능의 단계적 일원화 31 4.1.2 ITT효율성 극대화를 위한 시스템 개선 32 4.1.3 북항 안정화 및 특화 발전 전략 32 4.1.4 고부가가치항만산업 육성방안 33 4.2 항만배후단지개발을 통한 경쟁력 제고 방안 33 4.3 부산항의 항만생산성향상을 통한 경쟁력 제고 방안 34 4.3.1 부산항의 하역 생산성 향상 34 4.3.2 물류정보시스템의 개선 35 4.4 기타 부산항의 국제경쟁력 제고방안 37 4.4.1 항만클러스터의 구축 37 4.4.2 항만간 코피티션 구축 38 4.4.3 물류기업 및 환적화물의 유치 39 4.4.4 물류지원 시스템 구축 41 4.4.5 SCM 및 물류거점 공급네트워크 구축 44 5. 결 론 47 부록 50 참고문헌 56 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 대학원 -
dc.title 부산항만의 경쟁력 제고방안에 관한 연구 -
dc.type Thesis - 2016-02 -
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