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한국 컨테이너터미널의 운영효율화를 위한 리스크관리에 관한 연구

한국 컨테이너터미널의 운영효율화를 위한 리스크관리에 관한 연구
Alternative Title
(A) Study on the Risk Management for Improvement of Operational efficiency of Container Terminal in Korea
Issued Date
한국해양대학교 대학원
Korean container terminals have been constructed and broadened very quickly by a lot of effort. But introduction of various management tools for container terminal has overlooked by now.

In this study, I tried to suggest the risk management tool for container terminal in Korea as one of many management tools.

For this in chapter 2, I reviewed general matters of container terminal and the change of managerial environment surrounding container terminal.

In chapter 3, I suggest general risk management process for container terminal, such as risk identification, risk analysis, risk control, risk financing, and risk administration.

In chapter 4, I tried to analysis an actual situation of risk management in container terminal. In order to investigate the actual situation of container terminal's risk management, both a questionnaire and an interview method have been implemented about the four container terminals(HBCT, PECT, UTC, GCT) in the port of Pusan.

In chapter 5, based on the actual data from both a questionnaire and interview method, problems in risk management of the container terminals are derived, and improvements for risk management are suggested.

Through this study, I could find the shortage of general recognition on the risk management in container terminal. For introduction of risk management in container terminal, the most important thing is the spreading of recognition on the risk management, which is very useful for container terminal.
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무역학과 > Thesis
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